It's been almost a week after Skate Malaysia 2009. How time flies.....after a few hectic weeks of frantic practices , nagging and worrying, I really found myself suffering from post competition that why I got migraine for 2 horrible days this week? Had to spend 2 very miserable days in bed at home because of the stupid throbbing in my head that would not stop! On top of that, I was vomiting as well, I hardly ever get that during my migraine attacks...I think this is the 2nd time in my migraine history, so you can guess how bad it was. Anyway, luckily it was after the competition and not during :)
So the boys got few days reprieve before hitting the ice again on Thursday.The rink was sooo quiet that night. Even the coaches needed a break..Haha ! I 'bumped' into 2 of them at a pub that night after skating!
Note the cute table setting - so colorful and fun!
Was looking at some of the photos taken before the competition - those taken during ice time. We had a lot of fun during those times. There was one of Ryan at a beautifully laid table ( kiddy style), eating salmon and spaghetti that my good friend J made specially for him. He was so embarrassed ! I meet some really nice people at the rink - L, who always make such fantastic food on Sundays and ice time days. That particular ice time session, she made sticky rice and red bead soup! Can you believe that? It was really heart warming to have such thoughtful friends who take the trouble to cook and pack everything to the rink. My other good friend, A always give me sweet potato cakes she made herself. I am embarrass to admit that I only ever bring store bought food as my contribution :( But I think it's best for everyone cos if I were to cook, no one would eat it!!! Or worse still, someone might get diarrhea. Haha.. I also want to mention another friend J (also), who painstakingly made Julian's Freestyle costume for him! We are ever so lucky to have such great people there , like a big big extended family. Cheers everyone, and thank God for miracles like you guys.
Marche's Food Guide
14 years ago
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