I am truly thankful to Ryan's coach WK. Without him, I think Ryan would not be skating the way he does and would have have achieved so much. So WK, a big big THANK YOU from us.
WK has been Ryan's coach from Day One, way back in 2000. So effectively, he has taught Ryan everything he knows. from Pre-Alpha to now. From a bunny hop to a Double Axel, and hopefully in the near future, his triples. At that time, Ryan was half his height and of course way way behind in skating skills, barely able to walk on skates, let alone glide. Now, Ryan has matched him in height and hopefully in skills as well. But no matter what, he will still be Ryan's Sifu. It is so interesting to look back at the photos taken back then and now. Back then Ryan had a 'coconut' hairstyle but WK has not changed a bit.
So, with Ryan's latest achievement, I want to say to WK, " I'm so glad you are his Coach and there for him every step of the way. You made this possible."
Marche's Food Guide
14 years ago
grats to ryan and also aunt irene